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Hot Tub Safety

Hot tubs are an enjoyable and relaxing way to spend quality time alone and with your family and friends, but, because they involve both water and heat, there are certain safety guidelines that you should follow, particularly if you have small children.


KEEP YOU WATER SANITIZED. If your water is unbalanced or cloudy, stay out until you get it under control. Unsanitary hot tubs are breeding grounds for all kinds of yuck. Call your hot tub professional if you need advice on clearing up your water.

WEAR CLEAN CLOTHING in the tub; tell guests to bring bathing suits. If you are able, provide a place to shower prior to entering the tub.

NO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES on or nearby the hot tub. This includes extensions cords.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ADEQUATE VENTILATON if your hot tub is indoors.

NO HOT-TUBBING DURING STORMS. If you hear thunder, get out of the tub.

INSTALL ANTI-SKID TREADS and put down rubber mats where people are likely to slip.

hot tubs




NO INFANTS OR TODDLERS should ever be allowed in the hot tub.

NO CHILDREN OF ANY AGE should be in or around the hot tub without adult supervision.

NO CHILDREN OF ANY AGE should be in the hot tub unless their heads are safely above the water line while they are standing on the bottom and when they are seated.

INSTALL HANDRAILS to allow children to enter and exit the hot tub safely.

KEEP TEMPERATURE AT A MODERATE LEVEL when children are in the tub. Kids can enjoy the tub for 15 minutes at 98 degrees; anything hotter than that (up to 104 degrees) limit them to 5 minutes.

DON’T ALLOW CHILDREN to go underwater; besides obvious concerns, there is a risk of a child quickly overheating. If there is a jump seat that will allow the child to sit with just the lower half of his body in the water, utilize that to keep child from overheating.

INSTRUCT CHILDREN to not ingest the water. Explain to them that it will make them sick.


DON’T USE ALCOHOL OR DRUGS when you are enjoying your hot tub. The heated water can amplify the effects of certain substances which can cause hyperthermia; a dangerous condition that is similar to the effects of a fever.

DON’T STAY IN THE TUB TOO LONG. A 15 – 20 minutes soak is advisable, at no more than 104 degrees.

IF YOU HAVE HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR LOW BLOOD PRESSURE seek the advice of your physician before using a hot tub.

Following these simple guidelines to ensure that your hot tub time is safe, sanitary and enjoyable.

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